There are two things on my mind that are all the rage at the moment; hip operations and coming
out of the closet. If anyone thought the sporting and cycling world was ripe
with homophobia; I understand your
concerns, but I think you’re wrong.
A recent discovery for myself was that of my own sexuality,
and I don’t want to natter on about this ad libitum because frankly, we’ve
heard it all before, and Thorpie -the selfish bastard- has stolen my thunder.
I'm a hospital VIP these days... |
we digress.
The point here is, I am gay. And if there are any other guys or gals out there in
the cycling world who are not comfortable in their own skin, who have got that
nagging little voice in the back of their head that convinces them the world is
going to fall down if they discover who they truly are; well forget your worries. You
will be surprised at the positivity of the response when you open up. It's 2014.
But is it all good?
Yes. The thing is, homophobic comments have become second nature;
that’s gay, this is gay. And that shit is pretty f**ked to be honest.
But it’s
a product of society -I believe- and a product of people saying things to a group they
feel is completely heterosexual. Now, I know I'm drastically over-simplifying
a complex and intense topic, but this blog is about cycling. And I don't want to kill everyone getting too deep and meaningful.
Perhaps another day.
Thing is, the very people who drop these disparaging comments regularly,
have been the first to apologise to me thinking they may have caused serious offence.
But don’t sweat it. It’s a structural problem. And it’s moving forward, not
backward [in my opinion].
If only I’d grown a pair and discovered it all years ago.
But sometimes you’re just not ready. But now I’m ready.
I was also ready to have these bad boys taken out! |
My approach?
I believe attack is the best form of the defence on and off
the bike. I simply told my friends I’ve started seeing a guy. And he is
amazing. And that’s it. Work out the rest.
And the response?
People are excited for me. They are happy. I am happy. The
world is happy.
And that’s what matters.
What else makes people
Having three frigging big screws taken out of your neck of
Gettings screws out and a free fake tan whilst you're at it. Bonus |
I had that done yesterday up at Knox Private Hospital, where
they were put in at the end of April last year, after I ate shit out training. If you ever need a hip surgeon, go see Francis Ma out that way. He will sort you.
And with them gone it feels so, so good. It’s just another
step on my pathway of rehab, and I’ll be back CharterMasoning it up on Monday
as the operation was only a day procedure.
Give me some painkillers and some
crutches and I’m back at it.
On the note of
CharterMason, I’ve got to say, wow, what an
amazing organisation. I have come into the company as one of the youngest
people they have taken on, with the aim for myself -and CharterMason- to train
me up to generally kick arse and take-over the world as soon as possible.
Swapping lycra for suits. Feels weird. No one can see your sock height. |
And the response?
Amazing. Very senior consultants, with lots to do and no
time to do it, are taking large chunks out of their day to teach me the
As within the
CharterMason Giant team, the sense of team and camaraderie
is second to none.
That makes me
The Moral?
Be honest, be comfortable, be happy.
And work hard.